Our Michael Han & Bozy Lu acted for the Claimant. He was involved in a front-to-rear collision on the road. His car was stationary at that time, in response to red traffic lights ahead. At the time of the accident, he was a director of a multinational company.
Upon impact, his car surged forward and collided into a car in front. This case was particularly challenging because the plaintiff suffered from serious post-concussion syndrome.
Subsequently, he was diagnosed with major depressive disorder. He struggled with the side-effects of pain killer and anti-depression medication. He lost his job and could not find permanent employment. He was a shadow of his former self.
For four years, he was in and out of hospital. He was later diagnosed to be treatment resistant and had to take medicine for life.
The assessment of damages was heard before a high court judge. Not satisfied with decision, the plaintiff appealed. The appeal was heard before two justices in the Appellate Division of the High Court and the damages were revised upward.
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